Southampton L.I. / Waves – The impact of waves following a northeastern storm (filmed: December 12, 2021)


Long Day’s Journey into Winter’s Night – The spontaneous mysteries in light.


St. Sulpice - excerpts from an improvisation ”Fantasie inspired by the Reading of the book of the prophet Daniel - 12, 1 - 3” ( November 14, 2021 )

Composed and performed by the internationally acclaimed organist, Daniel Roth, the French cotitular organist, composer, and musicologist of St. Sulpice for over 35 years.

The grand organ Built in 1862, the current pipe organ, constructed by Aristide Cavaillé-Coll, and is perhaps the most impressive instrument of the romantic French symphonic organ in the world


“Ich Kann Tanzen” - I Can Dance.... Lake of Zürich / Lieder by Georg Kreisler ( July 2019 )


In Deep Water - Moon Jelly Fish - Another world within ours.

Filmed at the South Carolina Aquarium in Charleston and the Seattle Aquarium


Summer Memories / “86 Degrees” – On the Lake of Genève. August 2018


July 4, 2020 / Filmed: Washington - Maryland Avenue NW (December 3, 2019 - The flag is half-mast in honor of the late President George H. W. Bush)


Highway Fairway – Observations from a highway golf range Willowbrook, New Jersey ( June 2019 )