• Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

    National Portrait Gallery, Washington, D.C.

    Los Angeles County Museum of Art

    SFMOMA / San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

    The Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.

    New York Public Library, The Miriam and Ira Dl Wallach Division of Prints and Photographs

    The September 11 National Memorial and Museum

    Victoria & Albert Museum, London

    Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris

    MMK Frankfurt

    Musée de l'Elysée, Lausanne, Switzerland

    Musée de la Photographie, Charleroi, Belgium

  • 2012

    Stand-­ups: Reporting Live from Ground Zero, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, April 23, 2012


    ELSE (Premiere Issue) Frank Schramm Stand-­ups – Reporting Live from Ground Zero by Ulrike Meyer Stump, June 2011

    The National Center in Research Affective Sciences / Emotions in individual Behavior / Emotions in Individual Behavior and social process (NCCR Affectivve Sciences), September 2011

    Die standlhaften Fernsehsoldaten, Der Bund, Tages Anzeiger, September 2011

    Passions 75 “Regards sur le 11 Sepembre”, ”Contrechan médiatrique “ l’Hebdo, By Luc Debraine, September 25, 2012

    In Shock: Reporting Live from Ground Zero Review- David Bushman Curator Paley Center for Media, New York, September 2011


    B&W Magazine (Black and White) Issue 18 Spotlights/ Portfolio


    APERTURE #158 Photography & Time: A Special


    Millennium Issue 1997:

    “Planespotting” by Robin Muir / The Independent Magazine, September 6, 1997

    “Flights of Fancy” by John Small / G. Q., September 1997


    Il Fotografo / Mostre Fotografiche, May 1995

    Notiziario Fotografico ANAF Frank Schramm “Aerei”, May 1995

    IL NORD “La perfezione e la <<magia>> degli aerei nelle fotographie di Frank Schramm”, May 11, 1995

    Tribune de Genève: "An American transforms the Elysée into an Airport / Photographs in Lausanne-­‐ Frank Schramm the American Photographer exhibits his aeroplanes framed in light at the Elysée Museum” -­ by Isabelle Cerboneschi, March 2, 1995

    KUNST SCHRIFT: Kunstbezit / Fotografen over foto’s Een vliegtuig van Frank Schramm, March 1995

    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: “Plane Sights”, February 9, 1995

    Tribune de Genève: "Frank Schramm fait décoller sa photographie á l'Elysée-­‐L'Américain photographie les avions en se couchant au besoin sous le Concorde”, February 1995

    24 HEURES "A l'Elysée, les Icares du temps présent sous l 'objectif de Frank Schramm" by Françoise Jaumin, January 19, 1995


    Beeldende Kunst "Het gebeurt op foto's" by Erik Eelbode, Antwerp, Belgium, May 1994


    Camera Austria International #45, December 1993

    Schwarzweiss (eight-page folio), (Forum) October 1993

    BLINDSPOT (two-page folio), October 1993

    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, June 1993

    Frankfurter Rundschau, June 2, 1993

    domus, “Aeroporti”, April 1993

    The New York Times Photography View, Vicki Goldberg, “Peering Into Place That Mere Eyes Cannot See”, February 21, 1993


    Libération, September 14, 1992

    Le Monde, September 12, 1992

    Photographie Magazine, September 1992

  • 2014

    The Photo Review / Annual Competition – Website selected images


    The Art of Photography San Diego, California


    PDN Annual Photography Awards – Personal Project Category TPS / Texas Photographic Society





Kennedy Center, Washington DC

Celebrating George Walker at 100

The National Symphony Orchestra

A collaboration with Howard University, Washington DC (February 15, 2022)



National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC

20th Century Americans / Permanent Exhibition

Lou Young CBS Ch. 7 – Stand-ups: Reporting LIVE from Ground Zero




International Center of Photography, New York City

# ICP Concerned – Global Images for a Global Crisis

(October 1, 2020 – January 3, 2021)




Benaroya Hall, Seattle

Video / World Premiere –George Walker – Sinfonia No. 5 “Visions” for Orchestra / Seattle Symphony Orchestra

(April 11 / 13 – 2019)

Review in the New York Times by Thomas May

View Photographs and Film



National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC

New Acquisitions / diptych – Composer George Walker

(November 16, 2018 - November 3, 2019)

Photograph 1

Photograph 2




Fabian & Claude Walter Galerie, Zurich, Switzerland

Plane Sights

(March 7 – March 29, 2014)

Related Reviews:

Vicki Goldberg, The New York Times

Robin Muir, The Independent

View Photographs




Making History – Exhibition of RAY 2012 Fotografieprojekte Frankfurt/RheinMain , Germany

Traveled to Frankfurter Kunstverein

(April – August)

View Exhibition Website

View Photographs

Galerie Ester Woerdehoff, Paris, France

Concorde Paris – New York

(May - July)



Musée de Elysée, Lausanne, Switzerland

Stand-­ups: Reporting Live from Ground Zero

(September 13 – November 27, 2011)

Paley Center for Media, New York City

In SHOCK: Reporting Live from Ground Zero

(September 1 – 25, 2011)




San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

"The Photographic Condition"

(July 1995 -­November 1995)




Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France

"En Avion" / Mission du Patrimoine Photographique

(September 9 -­ November 8, 1992)